While buying a skullcap for her nefyew Tweeter, Gray Barfer was bitten by a radioactive spider, making her


By Tim Young

Page Five

Yes, that's ol' Ron, and yes, I've got a continuity problem to deal with when I finally pick this up again and deal with the fact that we're on our third presidential administration since Reagan!

Standing behind Dr. Boom (the guy with the Jack-o-Lantern mask) are Rosetti and Valentino, two inept Mafiosi. (They can't even do proper Italian accents!) Next to Boom is King Wood, ruler of Wood Kingdom, which is a member of the TP Islands, of which Paul Bear is president.

Observing from behind the door in background of the previous panel is Charlie Horse, TP Islands Speaker of the House. Through a different door enters The Big Boss, Rosetti and Valentino's Godfather.

Kay Kangaroo eavesdrops in panel two.
Spider-Hag and all characters copyright 1978-2002, Tim Young/Bowl Comics.

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This page last updated Sunday, November 3, 2002 . E-mail Tim