While buying a skullcap for her nefyew Tweeter, Gray Barfer was bitten by a radioactive spider, making her


By Tim Young

Page Four

Unlike Bill Clinton, Carlson actually did inhale...and he's proud of it!

Ham refers to Mayor Mark Zalotte, who intends to retire at the end of his term. Pizza Girl and Stingpin are competing to replace him.

Carlson is chowing down on the World's Largest Pizza, one of the attractions at Pizza Girl's campaign rally.
First panel: in an earlier episode, Stingpin (a.k.a. "Pinboy") put a tracing bracelet on Spider-Hag in an attempt to force her to campaign for him.

Fourth panel: "Elsewhere" is the island of Wood Kingdom in the T.P. Islands (please, don't ask), and we are witnessing a phone conversation between T.P. Islands President Paul Bear and U.S. President Ronald Reagan (remember, this story was drawn in 1988!)

Spider-Hag and all characters copyright 1978-2002, Tim Young/Bowl Comics.

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This page last updated Sunday, November 3, 2002 . E-mail Tim