While buying a skullcap for her nefyew Tweeter, Gray Barfer was bitten by a radioactive spider, making her


By Tim Young

Page Six

Please note that Dr. Boom speaks babytalk--not much different from Elmer Fudd, but even dumber.

Doco Boom wikes wowd noize--er, excuse me, Dr. Boom likes loud noise. Thus the name.

Dr. Boom has been accompanied by Mafiosi Rosetti and Valentino ever since a fight with Spider-Hag/explosion at an avocado canning plant a few months back. But the Big Boss is angry that they've strayed from his influcence this long, which is why he's just captured them in Charlie's office--from which they've already disappeared by the time Dr. Boom can look in.
Spider-Hag and all characters copyright 1978-2002, Tim Young/Bowl Comics.

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This page last updated Tuesday, November 26, 2002 . E-mail Tim